Too Hot? by WJ Vincent II

Too Hot? by WJ Vincent II
Is it Too Hot?
Let’s face it, the weather to start this Summer has been really, really hot. Hot enough it makes one wonder is it too hot? Is it still safe to exercise outside? How dangerous it it? Is this unprecendented?
Record Breaking Temperatures
Some of the records that have been falling in Wisconsin and across the Midwest, are from back in 1934. So we have had this kind of heat before, but we are reaching a new level it appears.
What To Do
So, you can definitely still exercise outside, but you need to follow some rules, and be more careful than normal.
#1 – Drink Lots of Fluids, More Than Normal
#2 – Use sunscreen if exercising outdoors, and reapply after 60 minutes of water exposure or sweating.
#3 – When resting, or pausing for extended periods of time, use shade
#4 – If you feel yourself overheating, seek cooler areas immediately
#5 – Do not leave pets or little children, or elderly in vehicles!
So while the above average temperatures continue, don’t let your summer slip away, still get out there and enjoy it, just be careful, and take precautions!
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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