Tom Brady Retires, What We Can Learn! by WJ Vincent II

Tom Brady Retires, What We Can Learn! by WJ Vincent II
Tom Brady Retires, What Can we learn!
We know that many of you reading this blog, are probably not fans of Tom Brady, in fact many of you, maybe even most of you might even hate the guy. There is no doubt he beat most teams in the NFL repeatedly, especially at the highest stakes, in the biggest games, and with the most on the line. Personally I grew up a Green Bay Packer fan, but watching Tom Brady’s career from afar I could not help but begin to admire him, even from the very first time he won a Super Bowl way back in 2002. What impressed me the most at the time? I read a story about how Tom was driving around in a used beat up pickup truck. At that time he wasn’t making much money (relatively speaking). When he won a brand new Cadillac Escalade for being the Super Bowl MVP, even though he actually needed the truck, he gave it to his offensive linemen, because he said it was a team award. His entire career is filled with moments like this, why does it matter? There are a number of reasons, so lets break some of them down.
Tom Brady Retires One of The All-Time Great “Leaders”
Leadership is one of those things that you really can’t over emphasize. In both business and personal life, demonstrating, living by, and setting the example of being a good even great leader has an enormous impact on every aspect of business and life. Even if you fall into the camp that hates Tom Brady, you can still learn from the incredible example of leadership he displayed consistently, over and over again for 22 years in the NFL.
It is generally accepted that Tom Brady is a pretty good looking guy, and right after he won that first Super Bowl, advertising companies were scrambling to make a deal with the new super star on the block. One of the first companies that wanted to make a deal with him offered him millions of dollars. Tom Brady said he would only make the commercial if they included his offensive linemen in the deal. He knew people seldom know anything about the linemen in a game, and he was willing to risk millions of dollars in order to make sure they got some much deserved credit. How many other quarterbacks in the history of the NFL, especially at the beginning of their careers when they still hadn’t gotten wealthy yet, have you seen risk that kind of money to give credit to their teammates? Brady over and over again set a team first attitude, and he didn’t just talk about it, he lived it.
Year after year, Tom Brady would take less money in salary than he could demand in order to give his team more money and flexibility to sign better players. Other quarterbacks around the league, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, were always taking the maximum amount of money they could. Nothing wrong with that of course, but Brady truly cared more about winning than all of them. He was willing to sacrifice millions of dollars in personal earnings to improve his chances of competing for the championship every year. And more often than not, he was in the Super Bowl with a chance to win it all. He has started in 10 Super Bowls, winning 7 of them, the next closest QB to him started in only 5 Super Bowls. By sacrificing some personal income, he became the single greatest “winner” of all-time in his sport, generally being accepted as the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time). How is that relevant for business and life? When you have top talent, consider taking less money yourself in order to provide more compensation opportunity for the team. There are limits to how much this will benefit things, and it is more effective for some people than others, but it is an outside the box way to think that can drive additional revenue and profits to your business in unexpected ways that can ultimately pay you even more!
Many things have been written over the years about how Tom Brady knows everybody’s name. How even the most irrelevant players, the ones that most likely won’t even make the team, the ones on the practice squad, he knows all their names. He walks up and introduces himself to them, saying their name and saying I’m Tom Brady, like he is just one of the guys. If you have read anything about leadership and personal influencing amongst human beings, then you should know the importance of remembering a person’s name. Tom Brady (quotes) never let any of his success or accolades get in the way of what was a necessary building block to being the leader of the team. He knew everyone’s name, including equipment managers, and all the people he played with loved him for it. All of us should practice this daily in our business and our lives. The value in remembering people’s names is priceless!
This blog could be 20 pages long, and there are so many things we could write about, but for purposes of this article, the last thing we will mention is Tom Brady completely changing every aspect of his diet and training in order to improve his health, decrease his inflammation, and increase his flexibility in order to avoid injury. He has taken it to an extreme, (Some info about his diet) but he only eats certain foods, and his track record of staying healthy has been proof of how well avoiding inflammation has worked for him. All of us can take this lesson to heart in our own lives as well. Limiting our sugar intake, limiting our carbs, improving our flexibility can benefit each of us in huge ways. Most of us will not face the same physical punishment Tom Brady dealt with in his job, so the positive impact on reducing our overall inflammation can be even bigger for us.
Regardless of whether you love Tom Brady, hate him, or have no idea who he is, there is much we can learn from such an unprecedented track record of success. One thing is for sure, Tom Brady was high performance, pro team, and got massive results. We could all benefit from implementing some of his leadership example in our own businesses and lives.
“Your Life Will Be What You Make Of It.”
~ Tom Brady
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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