“Talking With Angels?” by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Talking With Angels? by Dr. Jay LaGuardia
Is it Possible?
Have you ever experienced moments of inspiration, random thoughts, ideas or hunches? Neale Donald Walsch, calls these moments “Angel Talk,” which is a cool way of describing the messages from God or the Field of Intention. Whatever it is called, it doesn’t matter. What does matter, is that we pay attention to theses messages. “Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches.” Recognizing these snippets is incredibly valuable.
Religion Not Required
We all experience moments of inspiration, and it doesn’t even require us to be religious. The question is, are we paying attention? More importantly, are we acting on these messages? Most of the time these messages contain information that could profoundly change our lives for the better. Sometimes they are opportunities to avoid trouble, other times they are just opportunities to grow.
No Greater Gift
When you find yourself being blessed with messages or hunches, stop, listen and act. These are blessing from above that should not be ignored. Be thankful for them. It means that you’re in tune with the infinite. There is no greater gift.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
Dr. Jay LaGuardia
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