Seaweed & Jellyfish? by WJ Vincent II

Seaweed & Jellyfish by WJ Vincent II
Recently We Traveled To The Gulf Coast…
One of the great things I learned from my parents growing up, was the importance and power of traditions within the family. We had some amazing ones, the type of long standing traditions that created huge powerful memories that still resonate with me today. So it would make sense that I would try to come up with a couple of my own for my kids right?
Annual Summer Trip To The Ocean
Traveling to the Gulf Coast became an almost annual trip. Every once in a while we take a trip the mountains or desert instead, but usually, each summer we try to get to the ocean for at least a couple days. Visiting the ocean each year means that the weather, the water, what you see, how things go, can change dramatically from year to year. Some years the water is crystal pure, looking like the Caribbean, others not so much.
Seaweed & Jellyfish
As luck would have it, our trip this year ended up being one where the ocean was not quite as “pure” as we would usually prefer. For starters every day there was a “Purple” warning for Jellyfish. We managed to avoid getting stung, but saw and heard a number of other beachgoers not be so lucky. Additionally there was a copious amount of seaweed that one had to “wade” through in order to get to a more vintage ocean experience. Once you get used to it, it is not so bad, but it is certainly less than ideal. The amazing thing is, the kids really didn’t care at all. They just jumped in and had a blast. There has to be some sort of lesson there right? The sand was perfect, the ocean waves rolled in non-stop, it really was a heavenly place to be, so what if there was some seaweed in the way. I am so proud of my kids for just fully enjoying the experience and not even caring about it. That is the best way to go through life, make the most of it, don’t let the bad stuff get you down, or bother you too much. Positive attitude definitely makes a difference!
Financial Freedom Summit 2021
It isn’t too late, anyone that registers will get access to a Recording of the event. Even though you didn’t attend the event live, you will still get access to the Free and Special Gifts. The price may not be here long, but if you want to see how amazing the speakers were, then click the link below!
This $297 event is discounted to only $97 right now. You can learn more about the event and get access to the Recording of the Event by clicking the link below:
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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