Save Your Brain And Merry Christmas by WJ Vincent II

Save Your Brain And Merry Christmas by WJ Vincent II
Save Your Brain and Merry Christmas!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, in just 3 days time, perhaps the biggest holiday of the year will take place. I know my kids are excited! We want to make sure that we wish a very happy holiday season to everyone that celebrates something else as well, so please know that even if Christmas is not what you personally celebrate, we are still wishing you and yours the best this holiday season! In recognition of this wonderful holiday season, we wanted to give you all the gift of “Saving Your Brain” which seems like a pretty good gift to be giving right?
New Study Shows How To Keep Your Brain 9 Years Younger
Here is a direct quote for you, from an article that discusses an extensive study done on the value of Aerobic exercise and dietary changes to brain function.
“According to research out of Durham, North Carolina, aerobic exercise has some serious perks for your brain, too—like helping to reverse its age by almost nine years.”
If you would like to read the entire article here is a link for you:
Article On Saving Your Brain
Bottom line is exercise is something almost all of us recognize we need to do more of, and the reality is even if we are aging, we can significantly improve our brain cognitively by just exercising more, and that is the type of Merry Christmas news I think we can all enjoy! Our Free Holiday Gifts are still available below if you haven’t had the chance to grab them yet. Don’t forget to check out this week’s new show as well! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Our Holiday Gifts To Everyone This Year!
Gift #1 – Part of the “Meditation Chapter” from Dr. Jay LaGuardia’s Amazon Best Seller “Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny”. It is not the entire chapter, but all of the Six Steps to Meditating. You can Download This Gift Here:
Meditation Steps
Gift #2 – This was a special Gift for those who attended the Financial Freedom Summit from one of the guest speakers Dr. Janice Hughes. In the spirit of giving during the holiday season we give everyone a chance to enjoy the “50 Success Traits”
50 Success Traits
Gift #3 – A while back Dr. Jay put together a powerful PDF on the Habits of the Super Productive. We have only given access to this amazing information one time, so many of you may have never gotten a chance to access it. These 7 Habits of the Super Productive can change not just your business, but your life!
Habits Of The Super Productive
We are so thankful for all of you! The TriplePLife community continues to grow, and the difference each and every one of you is making in your communities and around the world is continuing to grow as well. We are grateful for all that has happened, and all the wonderful things yet to come. Happy Holidays, and check out the special event happening below!
So Dr. Jay LaGuardia is teaming up with Dr. Amanda Barrientez to teach a special 12 week Program on how to Charge What You Are Worth! This is going to be exactly the type of specialized knowledge you can use to make 2022 a legendary year for yourself. And, as a special Gift, anyone that uses the Promo Code: DRJAY20
will save $200 on their Registration! How’s that for an amazing gift?!?!? This gift is going away any day now, so don’t wait, this MasterMind will change your business and your life in 2022!!!
Lock up your seat for this event today at the link below:
Charge What Your Worth Mastermind
“If You Don’t Design Your Own Life Plan, Chances Are You’ll Fall Into Someone Else’s Plan. And Guess What They Have Planned For You? Not Much.” ~ Jim Rohn
(Time Is Running Out On This Deal Too!)
GPS To Success Lock In 2021 Prices For 2022 (Only $100)
Right Now is still a great low price! If you plan on attending get your seat locked up today so you can save! Each attendee will get access to a special Facebook Group, as well as several high quality take home gifts.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
Please join our FREE FaceBook (PowerPassionProsperity or TriplePLife) Fan page and share with us how we are doing and what content you would like to learn more about. Also leave us a comment about what steps you are taking right now to achieve your own TRIPLEPLIFE. The show features one of our listeners each week. We would love to share your story about how the PPP is changing your life. Our team and Dr. Jay will work hard to personally respond to each one of your comments!