NY Times Best Seller by WJ Vincent II

NY Times Best Seller by WJ Vincent II
NY Times Best Selling Author, Featured on CNBC, ABC, FOX Business, The Wall Street Journal & More
Here at TriplePLife we always try to stay focused on the Four F’s….Fitness, Finances, Family, and Fun! Every once in a while somebody comes along that has just done incredible things in at least one of these areas. With the upcoming Financial Freedom Summit 2021 we wanted to formally introduce you to another one of our guest speakers.
He has been a guest on our podcast before, but his background, experience, and knowledge are simply incredible. Rather than get off track, here is a bit of a bio for you to see exactly why you don’t want to miss the upcoming Financial Freedom Summit on August 3rd and 4th from 2 PM to 4 PM (Central Standard Time)!
Meet Garrett B. Gunderson
Garrett Gunderson is Founder and Chief Wealth Architect of Wealth Factory. He also wrote the NY Times bestseller, Killing Sacred Cows. Garrett was featured in the Wall Street Journal and has appeared on CNBC, ABC, Fox Business and more.
He also writes regular online columns for Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines to spread this very important message:
Cash flow optimization is the key to building wealth
Of course Garrett has a “Wealth” of knowledge, but check below for some of the specific things he will be sharing at the upcoming Financial Freedom Summit!
Financial Freedom Summit 2021
Garrett B. Gunderson will be one of the featured guest speakers at this incredible event. Here are some of the topics he will be sharing:
Topic: “To Be Updated Later”
- Special Information Just For The Summit
Currently we have an Early Registration Sale going on. This $297 event is discounted to only $97 right now. You can learn more about the event and get your seat reserved by clicking the link below.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
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