Job Seeker Behavior Has Changed! by WJ Vincent II

Job Seeker Behavior Has Changed!
Unemployment Was at 3.5%
As business owners it is important to keep track of trends, especially when things change dramatically. Clearly with the rapid and unprecedented rise in job losses, things are different perhaps than they have ever been. We are sharing an article from Entrepreneur.Com this week so you can make sure you are aware of all the changes that have taken place, and begin to make changes, strategize, etc., as necessary. If you are not consulting with Dr. Jay already, you may want to consider to scheduling an appointment, he has helped countless business owners to navigate all the challenges that are suddenly a part of our everyday business lives.
Article from Entrepreneurs.Com
Without further ado, here is a link to the article, hope you find the information useful!
How the Behavior of Job-Seekers Has Changed Since February (Infographic)
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
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