Introducing Jerry Fetta! by WJ Vincent II

Introducing Jerry Fetta, Guest Speaker #2 by WJ Vincent II
Jerry Fetta
Can you believe it?!?!? We got rising financial guru Rockstar Jerry Fetta to join us for the GPS To Success Summit. Many of you got to know Jerry a little bit this summer during our Financial Freedom Summit! Jerry became Financially Independent by the age of THIRTY!!! Think you might be able to learn a few things from someone with that kind of track record? He is an absolute genius when it comes to finances, and explaining how to maximize your ability to create wealth. We can’t wait for everyone to learn more from him during the GPS Summit November 6th, 2021. It is going to be an incredible weekend!
Jerry Fetta Bio
Jerry Fetta is owner and founder of Wealth DynamX. He and his team help thousands of families across the country simplify their money so they can stop losing out on dollars to debt, taxes, and financial institutions and instead keep and use those dollars to build wealth now. Jerry is passionate about helping families become financially educated and wealthy so they can navigate their economic futures with certainty and help build more prosperous communities around them.
By the age of 28 Jerry had built a multi-million company, achieved a personal net worth of greater than $1million and operated several companies. Jerry has been married to his wife Lexy for 9 years. They have 2 dogs, a cat, and love helping others invest in personal development and traveling.
Jerry Fetta Video
“If You Don’t Design Your Own Life Plan, Chances Are You’ll Fall Into Someone Else’s Plan. And Guess What They Have Planned For You? Not Much.” ~ Jim Rohn
GPS To Success Summit November 6th, 2021
Right Now is still a great low price! We have knocked $75 off the price for a limited time. If you plan on attending get your seat locked up today so you can save! Each attendee will get access to a special Facebook Group, as well as several high quality take home gifts.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
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