Did This Really Just Happen? WJ Vincent II

Did This Really Just Happen? by WJ Vincent II
Did This Really Just Happen?
The other night I was out on my hill in the backyard. We live in the city, but we have an empty lot to our right (left from the backyard) with a line of trees going all the way back to a forest that covers up a water tower thing. So the back of our house feels like it is in the country/forest. Anyways, I am up on my hill meditating, lot of stressful things going on, I won’t bother you with the details. Dr. Jay has taught for years the value in meditating to clear your mind when you have a stressful time in your life especially. Obviously he teaches the value of meditating every day, but sometimes it is a good idea to do a little extra, so that is where our little story begins this week, with me doing some “extra” meditation on my back hill, in the middle of a star bright, moonlit night…
In the Middle Of My Meditation
Now, some of us struggle more than others to meditate. As a person with a complex relationship with a bit of A.D.D. my own challenges with meditating are numerous. I love to meditate upon the stars and moon, it feels magical, and helps me to slip into that special place that true meditation can take us, much faster and more easily. I believe that Dr. Jay also often teaches the value in meditation when we have big decisions to make in our lives as well, and of course a big part of the “stress” I was dealing with, also included making some big decisions in my life as well. So there I am, staring into the stars, one bright one in particular, making the star move with my focus, and breathing in and out deeply. Right as I am repeating a mantra I put together out loud, and am slipping into a deeper state….BOOM a HUGE Falling Star Flashes down right above my house!
What does it mean? So many times in life we pray, meditate, and ask for guidance, for the universe or God to “Give Us A Sign”. MOST of the time, the guidance we receive is very subtle. Usually, the universe, God, or whatever you are comfortable calling it, sends us small indications, little signals, that we need to “notice” first and then interpret. Occasionally though in my own life, I get big, huge, knock you off your feet “signs”. The question then becomes in that case as it is highly polarizing, did I just get a sign to pursue something, or stop something? Was I just given a massive clue what to do, or what not to do? Therein lies the rub when we ask for signs from the universe, or God. It is easy to interpret things immediately to be what we “want” them to be. My first initial reaction was one of joy, because it felt like I was being given a sign that was a positive for what I was seeking. Later on however, given the chance to do some research, I became not so sure it was a sign telling me “What to do” so much as it was a sign of love and support from the universe. I could interpret it to be my “greenlight” if you will, but in reality after researching the eons old definitions of what a falling star actually means, I am more convinced now, it has more to do with my future, than the actual problems I was wrestling with that night.
The Universe Is Always Talking To Us
Years ago, one of my great mentors in my life explained to me that God was always talking to us. All the time he was communicating to us, the problem was most of the time we were too “busy” with our lives to “listen”. Isn’t that something right? If we were to utilize the “test analogy” with our daily lives, God and the Universe are sending us the “Cheat Codes” to win every day, but most of us miss it. So, what does the TriplePLife Community think about this? If you are meditating on something huge in your life, for sake of example, let’s say you are trying to decide whether or not to accept a promotion at work. If while you are meditating you see a falling star, does that mean in your mind you need to accept the promotion? Send an email to info@tripleplife.com with Falling Star in the subject line, and we will discuss this further next week. In the meantime, we have a special discount going on for the upcoming GPS To Success event. Get yourself registered before the price goes up again. It is going to be an amazing event, we hope you will be there.
“If You Don’t Design Your Own Life Plan, Chances Are You’ll Fall Into Someone Else’s Plan. And Guess What They Have Planned For You? Not Much.” ~ Jim Rohn
GPS To Success Summit November 6th, 2021
Right Now is still a great low price! We have knocked $75 off the price for a limited time. If you plan on attending get your seat locked up today so you can save! Each attendee will get access to a special Facebook Group, as well as several high quality take home gifts.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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