What is Conscious Awareness and Should You Care? by Dr. Jay LaGuardia
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What is Conscious Awareness?
Do you struggle with a lack of focus, low energy, frequent frustration and disappointment? You might be suffering from a lack of Conscious Awareness. I know you must be thinking, is this a new disease that I have yet to hear about? Well, not really but it is one of the reasons so many people are struggling to enjoy life to the fullest.
So, what is this thing called Conscious Awareness (CA)? To put it simply, it is our ability to be present each moment of each day. That’s it?? Absolutely! Let me provide some context.
Science has shown that 90% of our daily activities occur as a result of our reticular activating system (RAS) or the subconsciousness mind. The RAS is found in the brainstem. It is a network of nerve pathways that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. It’s the source of where all our daily habits and routines emanate from. Its what helps you to drive to work or the grocery store without conscious thought. That ever happen to you? You arrive at a destination and you wonder how you got there because you don’t recall much of the journey. You wonder, did I stop at all the lights? Did I run any stop signs? Unless you were on some mind-altering drugs, the answer is no. That is the RAS at work. It will keep you safe and will help you get things done, mostly without conscious thought.
Living Consciously
CA is completely the opposite. It is when we are living consciously, when we are choosing our thoughts, our emotions, our behaviors and habits more knowingly. A lack of awareness of our thoughts will give permanency to those thoughts. Here is why this is important. When we are more CA we are living more intentionally. Being intentional is the key to achieving our highest-self. When we are disconnected from CA, we are susceptible to negative thoughts and negative influences in our environment. This causes disharmony both internally and externally.
We can’t always be CA aware; our RAS is a very important part of psyhco cognitive function. So please understand it is very important, but far too many of us are habitually disconnected to CA. This leads us to be disconnected to our highest-self which ultimately leads to a lack of focus, frustration, pain and disappointment.
Our Mission
Life isn’t about what we do but rather who we are becoming. As we grow, so does our life.
This may be the most important takeaway from this blog…Self-Mastery is our natural inclination, a deep expression of something deep within each of us. Alienating our self from this natural inclination leads to pain, disappointment and frustration. Self-mastery is not driven by ego or materialism. It is primal and wired into our DNA. It is our ambition to bring mastery to fruition. It is achieved when we are pursuing our purpose and that only happens when we are in Conscious Awareness.
Becoming More Consciously Aware
If you are experiencing disappointment in any area of life, choose to become more CA. How you ask? Before you start any new activity, ask yourself these questions…
1. What do I want to experience?
2. How do I choose to show up?
3. What is my outcome?
4. How Do I choose to handle any adversity during this experience?
5. How do I want to be personified (persona Statement)?
I will cover what a persona statement is and why you need to create one another time.
Conscious Awareness is not hard, it will unleash your personal power and it will give you the fuel to create the life you were designed to have. I challenge you to apply this process to your life. If you’re struggling at all with living intentionally, send me an email to drjay@tripleplife.com and let’s schedule a conversation. I would love to help you!
Have an empowering week,
Dr. Jay Founder & CEO
EmPower Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passion, Accelerate Your Prosperity
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