Best Business Advice For 2022 by WJ Vincent II

Best Business Advice For 2022 by WJ Vincent II
Best Business Advice For 2022!
We are 19 days into the new year, and so many of your businesses, careers, and lives are off to amazing starts. We are so proud of each and everyone of you that are out there working to be better, do better, and have better in 2022. A few weeks into the year is a great time to do some fine tuning, re-consider where you are, where you are going, and how best to “get there”. So we thought we would share some business advice to help maximize your results right now, and for the rest of the year!
Five Of The Best Pieces of Business Advice For 2022
Dr. Jay LaGuardia has been teaching and coaching people to grow their businesses for decades now. The results of his personal coaching clients have been nothing short of phenomenal. Take a look at the end of this article for a special chance to win a free coaching call with Dr. Jay (valued at Over $300)!
#1 – Prioritize! Take time every day, at least 3 to 5 minutes in the morning to prioritize your calendar for maximum efficiency. Make sure you limit the amount of “administrative” time you are getting bogged down with. This is also a great time to organize names and numbers of any important calls you need to make. Do the same thing before bed for the next day. If you can save just 5 minutes 5 days a week in your business by being more efficient, that adds up to an entire Extra 24 hours by the end of the year!!!
#2 – Delegate at least One Item a Week, more if you can. The goal is to free your time up to do what you do best. Whatever your special and unique skillset is, that is what you should be spending the majority of your time doing. Delegate as much else as you can, so you can focus on what will drive the most business. If you need to know more about this, check out this article from the Corporate Finance Institute – Click Here
#3 – Meditate! And not just you, encourage your employees, team, partners, whoever you are in business with to add this to their daily routine as well. Dr. Jay has always recommended doing this at the start of your day for maximum benefit throughout the day. He also has various tips and techniques to reset your mindset for the better throughout the day when necessary. Look for some upcoming training, videos, and more on this soon! Also, here is a great article from Emerge 360 about how much more productive employees who are healthy are – Click Here
#4 – CEO Time! Okay, this one is met with some resistance in the beginning by a lot of people. You need to take around 15 minutes each day to think like a CEO. PUT THE PHONE DOWN! Lol, that’s right, this time is NOT for smartphones, electronics, or any other devices. This is for you to let your mind wander into the space where special things happen for you and your business. Sometimes you may be inspired with something that will change your business, but all of the time you will increase your productivity and your creativity! Don’t believe us? Check out this article from Psychology Today – Click Here
#5 – Celebrate! No matter how small the victory may be, take a moment to relish and enjoy your moments of success as they come. This is vital to creating and building an ongoing success subconsciousness! All those small wins eventually lead to big ones, be sure to give yourself a chance to appreciate and be grateful for all the little steps along the way. Doing so will not only improve how you feel about your business, but get you where you want to go even faster! Check out this article from Indeed that shares 22 ways to celebrate wins at work – Click Here
Special Opportunity From Dr. Jay LaGuardia!
Okay, we are just in the beginning phase of starting to work on our YouTube Channel. So, if you have not already done so, please watch the video we link below, please like and subscribe to our channel, and if you post your name and Email in the Comments you will be entered into a chance to win a free Coaching Call with Dr. Jay LaGuardia. If you are the winner we will notify you of what the next step is you need to take in order to book your call with Dr. Jay!
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“Celebrate Your Success and Find Humor In Your Failures.”
~ Sam Walton
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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