Before Looking Ahead….Look Back! by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Before You Look Ahead It is Important To Look Back!
Another year is in the books. As we look ahead to the New Year it is important to first look back. If we don’t take stock and review where we succeeded and where we may have fallen short and perhaps more importantly WHY, we will inevitably repeat the same behaviors and results into the new year. Now if you have experienced much success this year, then congrats, however it still is important to identify the lessons from the previous year. If 2019 was not a banner year then you will especially want to take part in the Year in Review below.
For many years I have been engaging in a process called the Year in Review. This process is specifically designed to help me reflect on what is and isn’t working and what lessons I learned from my failures. I know of no other tool that provides the necessary clarity that is needed to create massive success in the new year. Having clarity and vision are the two foundational pieces we need to know where we are going and what actions we need to take.
94% of New Years Resolutions Broken by 2nd Week
If you’re one of those people who make a New Year’s resolution, don’t waste your time. 94% of resolutions are broken by the end of the second week of January. Why? Well it is quite simple, it is due to a lack of clarity and vision as well as knowing your WHY. Your WHY is what creates the discipline and commitment to achieve your goals.
People who regularly achieve their goals begin by looking back. They are reflective and honest with themselves. From there they can make the appropriate life adjustments in their thoughts and actions. Successful people identify their WHY behind each goal and then they put an action plan together that is results driven. Finally, they seek out help and find someone to hold them accountable.
The Goal Setting Process
The goal setting process is not hard but it does takes work and discipline. I have found that doing what most people are unwilling to do is the secret. If you want to make 2020 your best year, start by answering the questions I have listed below before you set your goals. Remember it is very important to be brutally honest with yourself.
This process will reveal some truths about yourself that will unlikely make you uncomfortable. This is good because growth can only occur when we’re uncomfortable. Embrace the process…
1. The 3 best things that happened to me the past year?
2. My 3 greatest memories from the past year?
3. The 3 worst things that happened to me?
4. The 3 goals I hit this past year?
5. The 3 goals I missed this past year?
6. What lessons did you learn by missing your goals?
7. What were the main reasons why I missed my goals?
8. What were the main reasons that I hit my goals?
9. Who are the 3 most influential people in your life?
10. What’s the one word that best describes my past year?
Now that you have completed the Year in Review process it is time to write down your goals. Here are the 4 questions you need answer.
1. What – what is it that I want? This is the goal.
2. Why – why do I want it? How will achieving your goal improve your life, your business or your community?
3. How – how are you going to get it? This is where you identify the specific actions steps in order of importance
4. When – when do you want to achieve your goal. Be very specific with your date. The mind is target driven.
It is important to note that science has revealed if your goal isn’t big enough it is likely you will lose interest. We are more likely to achieve a goal that makes us feel uncomfortable. This is the growth element I mentioned previously.
Additional research has shown that setting 1-2 goals per each key area of life (family, fitness, finance) there is a 76% likelihood of achievement. Each additional decreases the percent significantly. Therefore, when setting goals, less IS more.
You now have the formula and tools that the most successful people use to create the life of their dreams. So, the question is, why not you? You deserve to be successful. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be abundant.
My team and I are committed to helping you make 2020 the happiest of New Years. It is our honor to serve you on your journey to a TriplePLife.
Go Empower your dreams, Live Inspired, Be abundant and fulfill your Destiny,
Have an empowering week,
Dr. Jay Founder & CEO
EmPower Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passion, Accelerate Your Prosperity
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