Are You Stuck In A Bubble? by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

The Importance of Travel
While there can be many inconveniences when traveling like crowded airports, flight delays, rude people and not the least of which is the cost, I would argue traveling is one of the most enlightening and life enriching experiences.
My wife Pam and I place a high value on travel. It was a gift given to us by her parents who traveled the world over, except Australia and New Zealand. We quickly caught their passion for travel early in life thanks to their generosity and desire to share with the family all the amazing places they had seen and experienced.
My Initial Reluctance
Initially I was a reluctant traveler due to my irrational fears about traveling. Believe me they were irrational. I would worry if the plane would crash and we left our kids as orphans. Okay perhaps not a totally irrational thought but we had planned for every contingency. We had Life Insurance, a Will and a plan but really what are the odds? There were others too but they were just irrational thoughts I had filled my head with that would always provide me a reason not to go and explore the world. . Unfortunately, I know many people who are also stricken with the same fears. I’m telling you, you are missing out on so much by giving into your fears.
I also understand for some that travel may not be in the budget but I know people who travel spending very little. “When there is a will there is a way!”
Conquering The Fear
The places I have been, the things I have learned and seen while traveling has given me perspective and a deep sense of appreciation I could have never experienced staying in my bubble. That’s what I call it when we feel the need to be surrounded by the familiar because it makes us feel safe. A word of caution, this is fear and uncertainty speaking. Which will always cause us to shrink to our lowest emotions, like fear.
The world is full of adventure and excitement. There are amazing cultures and people who will broaden your mind and perspectives. I love meeting and talking with new folks to learn about how they live, the food that they eat. Their traditions and history are so fascinating to me. It helps me better understand our different cultures which gives me an appreciation for theirs and mine. This helps me to be more tolerant and understanding of our differences while becoming more empathetic and compassionate.
It is very difficult to do this when we are trapped in our bubble. Our bubble doesn’t just trap us geographically but emotionally and psychologically.
It Can Be A Lot Of Fun
Seeing the Cliffs of Mohre, the Parthenon, the pyramids of Egypt and a million other places and things is also a lot of fun. It is exhilarating to travel especially when you get to share your experience with loved ones and friends. Getting away is also a great way of recharging your battery so you can be the best version of yourself when you are at home. We all need time away.
Where Would You Like To Go? Making A List
So where would you like to go? At the end of each year we sit down and discuss where we plan on traveling the following year. Our plan will typically include a few of our favorite places we like to go and a couple of places we have yet to visit, both domestically and internationally. Next, create a budget and start saving. If you are savvy enough to plan early you can get some great deals for almost any budget.
A promise my wife made to her mother before her passing was to visit Australia and New Zealand because of her mother’s failing health her parents were unable to visit there.
In 2020 we are planning on visiting the continent of Africa and the Middle East, Dubai. I suggest you write yourself a list of three places you would like to visit both domestically and internationally. Prioritize your list, then create a plan. If it takes a few years to complete your list, so be it! Just keep revisiting your list at the end of each year. Your list may grow or change.
As far as breaking through our fears, (busting through our bubble) the way I did it was to just keep making plans. I had to make myself uncomfortable to finally become comfortable traveling. Eventually the joy of travel becomes greater than the fear of travel because of what the world has to offer. Overcoming that fear to travel enriches our lives beyond measure.
Please comment or reply with your own top 3 destinations you’d like to visit and why! Perhaps I will see you there. Bon voyage!
Live Inspired, Be abundant and fulfill your Destiny,
Have an empowering week,
Dr. Jay Founder & CEO
EmPower Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passion, Accelerate Your Prosperity
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