Another Gift!!! by WJ Vincent II

Another Gift! by WJ Vincent II
Another Gift!!!
So last week we shared a really cool gift that anyone who attended the GPS To Success Summit not only received but was able to experience in-depth training and perspective on. This week, we have another really cool gift that was first offered at the GPS To Success Summit. Dr. Jay, myself, and Dr. Eddie have decided to let everyone have a chance to benefit from this gift as well.
Introducing A Special MasterMind Beginning January 5th of 2022!!!
One of the things we see over and over again in our coaching of business owners and chiropractors, is not charging enough for your services. There is a mistaken idea that you have to compete on price. That if your competitor drops their price you have to immediately follow suit. That might be the case if you are talking about a physical product like a pair of shoes for example. Why on earth would anyone pay more for the exact same thing right? Service industries are completely different however. The value of what you are providing is much more difficult to quantify, and if you provide superior service, value, knowledge, insight, and care then absolutely you can and should charge more for it. The idea that we have to compete on “price” can take a lot of work to overcome, but it can fundamentally change the success and profitability of your business and life! So Dr. Jay LaGuardia is teaming up with Dr. Amanda Barrientez to teach a special 12 week Program on how to Charge What You Are Worth! This is going to be exactly the type of specialized knowledge you can use to make 2022 a legendary year for yourself. And, as a special Gift, anyone that uses the Promo Code: DRJAY20
will save $200 on their Registration! How’s that for an amazing gift?!?!? This gift is going away any day now, so don’t wait, this MasterMind will change your business and your life in 2022!!!
Lock up your seat for this event today at the link below:
Charge What Your Worth Mastermind
“If You Don’t Design Your Own Life Plan, Chances Are You’ll Fall Into Someone Else’s Plan. And Guess What They Have Planned For You? Not Much.” ~ Jim Rohn
(Time Is Running Out On This Deal Too!)
GPS To Success Lock In 2021 Prices For 2022 (Only $100)
Right Now is still a great low price! If you plan on attending get your seat locked up today so you can save! Each attendee will get access to a special Facebook Group, as well as several high quality take home gifts.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
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