Amazon Just Took This Away by WJ Vincent II

Amazon Just Took This Away by WJ Vincent II
Important Information About Amazon.Com and More
From time to time we like to make sure that everyone who is a part of TriplePLife is aware of key changes, updates and more with things that effect our daily lives. This latest information many of you may not even be aware of. Keep reading below to find out about one of the biggest unannounced changes in Amazon.Com’s history!
A Surprising Move By Amazon
One of the biggest keys to Amazon.Com’s historic growth, was the decision to give guaranteed 2 day shipping to all of its Prime Members. This allowed people to start to depend on Amazon for almost everything as what they ordered they got in just a couple days. Recently, you may have noticed, when you order things from Amazon if you are a Prime Member, they are not shipping it in 2 days, often times it is almost a week. They did not announce this, they just started doing it without telling anyone.
To get the full scoop on this, and on advice of how to get a little of your Prime Membership money back, check out this detailed blog here:
The main reason for discussing this today, is so you don’t get taken by surprise like I did. Suddenly being able to get all kinds of last minute birthday gifts from online shopping, is no longer an option. We will see if public pressure changes this policy or not, it sounds like millions of people are cancelling their Prime Memberships. Great Luck To Everyone!
“If You Don’t Design Your Own Life Plan, Chances Are You’ll Fall Into Someone Else’s Plan. And Guess What They Have Planned For You? Not Much.” ~ Jim Rohn
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Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
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