3 All-Time Life Hacks by WJ Vincent II

3 All-Time Life Hacks by WJ Vincent II
What is A TriplePLife “Life Hack”?
So as most of you know by now…a TriplePLife involves Empowering Your Dreams…Igniting Your Passions, and Accelerating your Prosperity. So a TriplePLife Hack is something that makes your life easier, simpler, better, etc., in some small or big way. The key is it has to be something that virtually anyone can do, that isn’t too complicated, but when applied makes some part of life a little easier or better. We went through a number of these, and picked out 3 of the All-Time best that we have seen…hope you enjoy!
#3 – Stop Band-Aids from Slipping Off
As you can see in the images…we recommend using a scissors to turn a regular bandaid into more of a butterfly bandage. By cutting a small V on both sides you can easily stick everything better comfortably!
#2 – How To Fold A Fitted Sheet
Some of you may have already figured this one out in your life, but still its a great little “hack” to make your drawers, closet, shelves, or whereever you store sheets a lot more organized. If the images are not enough to understand…here is a video from an expert at livingonadime.com showing you in less than 2 minutes how it is done!!!
How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Video!
#1 – Attend The GPS To Success Summit November 14th, 2020
This is the best life hack of them all, because it will help you to improve every aspect of your business and life in record time. We have no doubt that most of you are smart enough, hard working enough, and persistent enough to keep going for years until you eventually become a great success, or improve from where you are. Why not save the time?!?!?! Why not take years off of the process by spending ONE DAY!!!
On November 14th, Dr. Jay LaGuardia, Dr. Eddie Hall, and myself will be spending an entire Saturday at the upcoming GPS To Success Summit sharing some of the best knowledge we have garnered from our combined 50 Plus Years of Business Success!
Chiropractors, Business Owners, and More who attended last year were able to get amazing results applying the knowledge we shared. This year’s event is already half full, and time is running out to take advantage of our Early Bird Discount. Dr. Jay has taken the most powerful, innovative, proven success strategies the world has ever seen, and worked some of the most important stuff into a one day summit for the ages!
He has combined the knowledge of billionaires, multi-millionaires, great artists, athletes, business owners, healers, and so much more into a system of success so brilliant and simple to follow, literally anyone with the willingness to do the work, and apply the information, can improve every aspect of their life. If you are looking to finish 2020 strong, and set yourself up for even greater success in 2021, don’t miss this once a year event. Some of the most brilliant people in the chiropractic profession, and small business community will be there. Become a part of a mentor group that is quite literally changing the world for the better.
GPS To Success 2020 CLICK HERE
Few life hacks are as useful as GPS….the worst geography person in the world, almost never gets lost now.
Imagine if any of us could just use a GPS…like the one in our cars, or phones, plug in the address to the life we have always dreamed of, and then we would receive step by step instructions of how to get that life? Would we be smart enough and disciplined enough to follow the instructions?
The information necessary to build a better business, and life is shared through TriplePLife, Dr. Jay, the PowerPassionProsperity Podcast, every day. Once a year, we spend an entire Saturday working with a small group of people to help them to learn exactly what they need to do, in order to get everything they have ever wanted out of their business and life, we hope to see you there.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
WJ Vincent II
Podcast on Spotify (Android)
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