10 Secrets To a Successful New Year 2021 by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

10 Secrets To a Successful New Year 2021 by Dr. Jay LaGuardia
These 10 Habits Might Be The Best Steps To Success This Coming Year
- #1. Watch Your Words. Adopt the habit of “complaint fasting” for one day. Then try going a whole day without complaining and then stretch it into a week. Then see if you can extend it to a month and so on… Transformation begins with mini victories, never wholesale changes.
- #2. Eliminate Impulse Buying. Most of us are easily tempted to buy things we don’t really need or want. This creates undo financial burdens and is a sure way of undermining your financial goals. Impulse buying creates a short-term high and long-term regret. Self-discipline is a virtue wealthy people have mastered.
- #3. Start Journaling. This habit can be practiced either in the mornings or before you go to bed. The simplest way to journal is to write 3 things you’re grateful for. I like to acknowledge my gratitude for something, someone and something that will happen in the future. This habit will attract more of the things you want to experience in life.
- #4. Work on Your Mental Fitness. It’s remarkable how many people neglect their mental well-being. Our mental fitness is just as important as our physical fitness. This one habit has radically transformed countless lives.
- #5. Protect Your Mornings. Adopt the habit of not checking your message, emails and social media before noon. I understand this might not be possible for some yet too many of us destroy our positivity, creativity and focus by reading email or scrolling social media feeds during those ultra-valuable first hours of the day.
- #6. Work on Your Physical Fitness. My personal experience tells me that when I am fit, I am more productive, energetic and self-confident. Not to mention more disciplined and happier. Schedule time each day to move your body. Find a partner that will help hold each of you accountable and always challenge yourself to be better. Peak performers make fitness a top priority.
- #7. Become More Virtuous. We live in a world that no longer celebrates the virtuous. Yes, there are many people who don’t see the value in being virtuous in a world that seems to reward the selfish and the agitators. However, whatever you choose to call it, the universe or karma, will always reward those who are hopeful, courageous, self-disciplined, hardworking, compassionate and loving. Start off the New Year with resolve to always live and act from your highest self.
- #8. Make the World Around You Better. True leaders are hopeful, decisive and empathetic. They make people feel bigger, never smaller, in their presence. They have the ability to inspire and motivate people to identify and embrace their full potential. Focus on giving more to each relationship than you take. Being kind is always better than being right.
- #9. Do Your Most Difficult Tasks First. In our book, TriplePLife, Your GPS To Success, (TriplePLife Book) we discuss at length the importance of taking on your most difficult tasks first each day. Get in the habit of consistently embracing the activities that are hardest, so you become the most productive person you know. Hard is what makes you stronger, more skilled and braver. Doing easy tasks has very little reward.
- #10. Invest in You. There is nothing more important and beneficial! Super high achievers are constantly investing in their knowledge and their skillsets. As you do, your value increases in ways that is sometimes hard to comprehend. This increases prosperity in every area of your life. This is the secret short-cut to massive success.
Here’s to Empowering your dreams, Igniting Your Passion, and Accelerating Your Prosperity!
Dr. Jay LaGuardia
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