Coronavirus Quarantine Life Reboot Strategies by Dr. Eddie Hall

Coronavirus Quarantine Life Reboot Strategies
Your brain is wired to release stress hormones into your body activating your sympathetic nervous system when you encounter danger. I want to introduce you to a topic on the sympathetic nervous system and its response to long term stress; fight, flight, or freeze. This response is getting your body ready to run or play dead, but it also reduces the activity in your brain responsible for logical thinking, decision making, and moderation. The fear from this global pandemic has begun to switch your rational brain off, and on comes the panic brain saying, “PLAY DEAD, EAT FOOD, FIGHT ANYONE WHO LOOKS AT YOU THE WRONG WAY.” This response is dissociating you from yourself finding things to focus on besides what is going on in the six inches between your ears. This dissociation is making a lot of people feel disconnected and helpless in their current situation. This panic with its increase in stress hormones are actually lowering your immunity and increasing inflammation.No Negative Self-Talk!
Now we know we can’t begin to shame ourselves or others with more negative self-talk about how lazy or unproductive we have become. These emotions of shame and guilt will increase the very stress hormones that have gotten us into this situation to begin with and invoke even more panic in the prefrontal cortex of your brain. So, what do we do?
- BREATHE!!!! Take breaths in and very slow breaths out to start to calm your body and mind. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to things we take for granted. What trees are blooming, watch the squirrels run, can you see or hear anything else?? Go into meditation taking those negative thoughts and emotions and letting them flow over your body, now start to think about all the good you have in your life, and more so all the good you will create in the future. Try a guided meditation on YouTube, or apps like headspace and insight timer.
- Seize control over the things you can control to create some joy during this journey through COVID. If you are a great cook, cook your specialty for dinner one night and make enough to deliver some to your friends or neighbors. Write someone a thoughtful letter you haven’t connected with in the past, I’m sure they need to hear some calming words right now. Read a book you have been putting off and get a friend to read the same book and you can recap the chapters together daily.
- If you haven’t made the time to start a daily ritual to set yourself up for success, why wait any longer? START NOW! Begin with setting your affirmations, meditating, gratitude journaling, finally set those goals on paper that you can reflect on daily.
Your Personal Growth
Your personal growth now will strengthen your body and calm your brain to get away from all the fear that has overcome your body. If you begin to take care of these things now, when the time comes for “real” life to resume normal scheduled programming you will be set up for even greater success, happiness, and prosperity than before this started. Let’s think of this time as a self-incubation time where we are preparing to go out and crush all our goals for ourselves, and the world.
Yours in good health,
– Dr. E
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