The Secret to Unlocking Unlimited Abundance in Your Life
The one success habit that can change your life immediately is? Ok, I am going to leave you hanging for a moment because it is important to provide you some context.
Like so many people my family dealt with a very painful divorce. What was perhaps unique about my families divorce, it was so bad, Seton Hall University used our experience to teach their law students, case law. It was ugly and could have been a movie of the week on the lifetime Channel. I will spare you all the gory details.
The reason I share this with you is to help you understand why my siblings and I were programmed and conditioned to be very negative. I also experienced tremendous anger and self worth issues. Remember 90% of our subconscious mind is formed by the age of 12. That means negativity and anger were hard wired into my brain. We are a product of our environment.
A mentor of mine once told my wife I was the angriest person he had ever known. This is something I certainly was not proud of. He immediately began to work with me on changing my internal hard wiring. He taught me about the power of gratitude. He understood if I was ever going to reach my full potential, I needed to adopt an attitude of gratitude. It wasn’t easy, he showed me what to do and how to implement a gratitude mindset.
Now you understand why success habits #2 and #4 are so important. I needed someone to teach me that I could choose a new reality and that I was not a victim of my past. And guess what? Neither are you!
Over time I began to see the world very differently. The more I practiced gratitude the more everything changed. Everything in my world began to improve, my experiences, relationships, profession, and new opportunities I had never previously imagined began to appear. Without a doubt none of this would have been possible if I did not adopt an attitude of gratitude. It one of the most important things I changed.
I am confident that gratitude can do the same thing for you, if you let it! This weeks PowerPassionProsperity podcast explains in great detail how we can implement gratitude in our life and how to overcome the obstacles many people face when making this change.
Lets not forget we have the freedom to choose our emotions. If this is true, and it is, then why would we choose any emotion other then gratitude when studies have shown that people who are more grateful experience less depression, stress, and are more satisfied with their lives and social relationships? This study is found in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The study also indicates that grateful people have higher levels of self-control, purpose in life, and happiness.
I challenge you to be mindful of your emotions this week. When you are feeling low tone emotions like fear, anxiety, frustration, and anger; make a conscious choice to change them immediately. Why not choose gratitude?
Our personality creates our personal reality.
Start practicing gratitude each day. Be grateful for all things in your life, good or bad, this will change your perceptions and reality.
An important fact is, thoughts become our attitudes, attitudes become our behaviors, behaviors turn into habits and habits become our perceptions.
When you consciously re-frame your thoughts and choose gratitude your perceptions of your environment changes. This makes for a more enjoyable human experience. Try it, what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing! You will become a role model while leading those around you.
This process is known as conscious living. Imagine if we practiced this regularly, how different would our life be? I promise if you adopt the habit of gratitude, everything in your life will change.” Be the change you want to see”.
Dr. Jay
Founder, CEO
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